Resultados: 3

Lesiones cutáneas asociadas con el uso de respiradores N95 en profesionales de la salud de Brasil durante 2020

Objetivo: investigar la prevalencia de lesiones cutáneas y factores asociados con el uso de respiradores N95 en profesionales de la salud de Brasil. Método: estudio transversal realizado con 11.368 profesionales de la salud en el que se empleó un método de muestreo dirigido por encuestados adaptado ...

Serological and vaccine evaluation for hepatitis B among Community Health Workers

Abstract Objective: to identify the vaccination and serological status against hepatitis B among community health workers; to vaccinate against hepatitis B virus and to evaluate the immune response of susceptible workers. Method: phase I, cross-sectional and descriptive study, among community health ...

Factors associated with sexually transmitted infections in sugarcane cutters: subsidies to caring for*

Objective: to estimate the prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and associated factors in sugarcane cutters. Method: a cross-sectional, analytical study with 937 sugarcane cutters from Paraíba and Goiás, states of Brazil, respectively. An outcome variable was the positive results in so...